Sugiyama-Badr Laboratory

Ayumi Goto

Master student, 2nd year

Mail: a-goto(at) (Replace (at) with @.)

Tel: 26876 (Add the last 4 digits to +81-3-5841.)

Short C.V.


Master candidate, The University of Tokyo

2023 Apr.–2023 Sep.

Research student, The University of Tokyo


Bachelor of Engineering in Chemical System Engineering, The University of Tokyo




Ayumi Goto, Elena Reus, Yusuke Hayashi, Kazuya Tanabe, Takuya Nagato, Hirokazu Sugiyama "Prediction model of quality and manufacturability based on powder properties for table-top tablet manufacturing", Poster, Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan (SCEJ) 88th Annual Meeting, 15–17 March 2023, University of Agriculture and Technology, Tokyo


Ayumi Goto, "Student award", SCEJ 88th Annual Meeting, March 2023