天沢逸里、Piontek Felix, 津崎 大輔, 木見田 康治, 平尾 雅彦 "日本、ドイツ、タイにおける衣服レンタルサービスの環境影響評価"、第15回日本LCA学会研究発表会、D2-17
Eri Amawasa, Dami Moon, Masahiko Hirao "Environmental Performance of Sharing Economy: Case of Household Laundry in Tokyo and Bangkok" The 11th International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing (EcoDesign2019), Kanagawa, November 2019
Eri Amawasa "Report from Diversity in chemical engineering" 18th Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress (APCChE 2019), Sapporo, September 2019
Eri Amawasa, Kotaro Kawajiri "Life cycle assessment of organic light emitting diode: comparative analysis of fluorescent, phosphoresent, and thermally activated delayed fluorescent materials" 18th Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress (APCChE 2019), Sapporo, September 2019
Eri Amawasa, Dami Moon, Masahiko Hirao "Classifying products to gain strategic environmental insights based on the product's life cycle characteristics",The 9th International Conference on Life Cycle Management (LCM 2019), Poznań, September 2019
Eri Amasawa, Dami Moon, Jun Nakatani, Masahiko Hirao "Environmental potential of sharing economy from life cycle perspective", The 4th International Conference of the Global Research Forum on Sustainable Consumption and Production (GRF 2019), Hong Kong, June 2019
天沢逸里、柴田 翼、杉山 弘和、平尾 雅彦 "[依頼公演]消費と生産パターンの体系的な持続可能性評価手法の構築"、化学工学会第84年会、Q304、東京、2019年3月15日
天沢逸里、文多美、平尾雅彦 "製品のシェアリングによる環境負荷削減ポテンシャルのパターン分析"、第14回日本LCA学会研究発表会、D1-11、福岡、2019年3月5日
Eri Amasawa, Tomohiko Ihara, Keisuke Hanaki "Comparative Analysis of Reading Experience in Paper Book, E-reader, and Flexible E-reader Based on Kano Model", The 25th International Display Workshops(IDW 18), Nagoya, December 2018
Eri Amasawa, Kotaro Kawajiri "Life cycle assessment of emerging material for organic light emitting diode: 100 % liminous efficacy with Indium-free molecules", The 13th Biennial International Conference on EcoBalance (EcoBalance 2018), Tokyo, October 2018
Eri Amasawa, Tsubasa Shibata, Dami Moon, Masahiko Hirao "Environmental potential of renting, leasing, and sharing of products", The 13th Biennial International Conference on EcoBalance (EcoBalance 2018), Tokyo, October 2018
Eri Amasawa, Mikaiki Hasegawa, Masahiko Hirao "Approaches for viable life cycle assessment of emerging materials and technologies", 1st Life Cycle Innovation Conference (LCIC 2018), Berlin, August 2018
Eri Amasawa, Tsubasa Shibata, Yurie Suzuki, Dami Moon, Masahiko Hirao "Should we buy, borrow, or share the product? A categorization approach to deduce sustainable consumption styles of products", 9th International Sustainability Transitions Conference (IST 2018), Manchester, June 2018
天沢逸里、河尻耕太郎 "有機ELの新展開「イリジウムフリー発光効率100%」のライフサイクル評価"、第13回日本LCA学会研究発表会、B1-04、東京、2018年3月7日
Eri Amasawa, Tomohiko Ihara, Keisuke Hanaki "(Invited) Are e-books actually green? The role of e-reader in changing reading patterns and environmental impact in book reading activities", The 24th International Display Workshops (IDW 17),
Sendai, December 2017
天沢逸里、"[展望講演] 技術の環境負荷削減ポテンシャルを測るには:今と未来を映す情報統合アプローチ"、化学工学会第49回秋季大会、AF120、名古屋、2017年9月
Eri Amasawa, Tomohiko Ihara, Keisuke Hanaki "Application of absolute consumption and consumer satisfaction as a unit of measurement in eco-efficiency: a case with book reading activity", The 8th International Conference on Life Cycle Management (LCM 2017),
Luxembourg, September 2017
Eri Amasawa, Tomohiko Ihara, Keisuke Hanaki "Environmental impact assessment
of annual e-book and paper book reading activity: A case with readers in
the United States", The 9th biennial conference of the International
Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE) and the 25th annual conference of
the International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology (ISSST),
Chicago, June 2017
天沢逸里、井原智彦、花木啓祐 "電子書籍端末による読書習慣と満足度の変化を考慮した、読書における環境影響評価"、第12回日本LCA学会研究発表会、C1-09、つくば、2017年3月3日
Eri Amasawa, Tomohiko Ihara, and Keisuke Hanaki. "Integration of consumer satisfaction
in assessing environmental impact: case of e-book reader", The 12th
Biennial International Conference on Ecobalance, Kyoto, October 2016
天沢逸里、井原智彦、花木啓祐 "消費者にとっての性能を考慮した環境効率"、第11回日本LCA学会研究発表会、C1-09、柏、2016年3月
天沢逸里、太田隆司、井原智彦、花木啓祐 "有機ELディスプレイ材料とデバイス製造のエネルギー消費量評価"、有機EL討論会 第20回例会、千葉、2015年6月
天沢逸里、太田隆司、井原智彦、花木啓祐 "スマートフォン用ディスプレイAMOLEDのライフサイクル評価"、第10回日本LCA学会研究発表会、D1-09、神戸、2015年3月
Eri Amasawa, Naoki Sasagawa, Soo Jin Lim, Soo Yeun Kim, Minoru Taya, and Mutsumi Kimura.
"Durable and highly efficient energy-harvesting electrochromic window
based on organic dye, cobalt couple, and PProDOT-Me2" 8th Pacific
Rim International Congress on Advanced Materials and Processing, Waikoloa,
August 2013